Jeans. I can get back in them.
Bagels with the Lox. Fuhgeddaboudit!
Coffee. Hello, my old friend.
Wine. How I have missed thee with dinner.
Deli meat. Ah, the staple lunch of sliced lemon pepper chicken breast sandwich.
Burrata with homemade peach habanero jam. A double whammy of pregnancy forbidden fruit.
I’m sure there are other things… I just can’t think of them now. Anything else you think I’ve forgotten? Or, what treats did you enjoy having again after your pregnancy ended?
Nice one… Hey, do you make it yourself, or is there a brand you like?
Thanks for stopping by :)
We’ve been wanting to try to make our own, and there is a kit they sell at my work but we haven’t tried it yet. I’ve been enjoying the Synergy chia kombucha and also The Wonder Drink – pear and ginger. Yum!
Pear and Ginger? Double yum! Let me know if you’d like to meet up sometime over a fermented concoction… Could be fizzy fun :)
Well done, Lolly! X
Merci, Tatko xo