Four months ago today those two little blastocysts were transferred and here I am, 20 weeks / four months later, with an active little girl on board. I can hardly believe it!
I’ve been wrapping my head around the news of my placenta previa and succenturiate lobe, and I’m doing much better than I was. I am still a little upset by the idea that the baby will bleed to death inside me or arrive early and/or that I’ll need a hysterectomy, but I’ve more or less made peace with the idea of a c-section. (Thank you for all your comments and emails. I’ll respond as soon as I can but I’m in the middle of a move — more on that later.)
The day after the ultrasound, I shuffled into the kitchen and when MIL asked how I was I burst into tears. We cried together and hugged each other. She wailed After everything you’ve been through, it’s just not fair! and in that moment I felt my strength return. I smiled wryly and said that the last 16 months have proven to me that life isn’t fair. We just have to muddle along as best we can.
As I ate my cereal, I decided that I wasn’t going to lie down and give up on this pregnancy. I was going to proceed as though Baby V will arrive safely in November! Yep, henceforth she is to be known as Baby V, not Tiny. I told MIL I needed to get out of the house and asked if she wanted to check out strollers. After all, I added, If there’s even a remote chance that I’m going to be on bed rest starting next month, I want to make sure I know which stroller will accommodate my height and my stride! When you’re as tall as I am, it’s not just the height of the handlebar that’s important, but its distance from the wheels — I’ve kicked the axle of every stroller I’ve ever pushed. That gets old real fast… Planning for the worst and hoping for the best seemed to be the way forward, so off we went to look at the three strollers that would accommodate a 6′ tall woman.
Actively doing something to prepare for Baby V’s arrival set me straight. I can either sit in a puddle of despair or channel that nervous energy into something more positive. A few times a day, I place my hands over my belly and will my placenta Up, up, and away from my cervix! And when Baby V kicks closer to my belly button, I praise her and encourage her to move up too.
Since the ultrasound, Baby V kicks all the time. Several times in the morning, on and off all afternoon, then there is a lull until around 10pm. It’s as if to say, Don’t worry, Mama, I’m still here! I felt her head by my belly button the other day, and I grabbed DH’s hand to feel the hard lump, like a small baseball beneath my skin. I can feel her movement beneath my hand, and can sometimes see it — one time I must have been witnessing a somersault, because there was this giant lump that moved from my right hip to my left. I’ve even caught her movements on film a couple of times! I am also learning to distinguish between kicks and jabs, somersaults and hiccups. I am utterly enchanted by this active baby and am loving getting to know her.
At this point, I think I look visibly pregnant to people who don’t know me. Here’s a pic from earlier today (Thursday):
I’ve also put on a ten pounds this pregnancy — three in just the last week! — and have noticed that my centre of gravity has changed, and with it, my gait. I’ve definitely slowed down… IKEA’s stairs Friday evening made me breathless, and the sitting-down-standing-up to test dozens of Macy’s sofas Saturday night was a bit of a workout! As I explained to DH, it’s a bit like giving your car a little extra oomph when driving uphill: you need more energy to maintain the same speed.
I’m normally someone who rushes around doing stuff and wears herself out. I’m finding I can’t do that anymore, at least not now, and am learning how to pace myself. It’s not easy when you’re someone who is fiercely independent and not very good at asking for help… It’s even harder when you’re about to move!
Ah, the move.
After three years and three months of living with DH’s parents, we finally found a place to call our own. It’s a two-storey two-bedroom townhouse nestled between the two neighbourhoods of Ocean Beach and Point Loma in San Diego. (Ocean Beach is open to dogs year-round — Banjo won’t know what’s hit him!) The complex was built in the 1960s and is very green and leafy, and it boasts a large saltwater swimming pool which I plan on taking advantage of this summer!!
The second bedroom will be DH’s office, but he’s also going to be 15 minutes from downtown San Diego, where all the courts are. The master bedroom is big enough to fit all our furniture… and a crib :)
Today, MIL and I took some stuff over and do some cleaning. I felt ridiculous not being able to help a 68-year-old woman carry boxes from our cars to the house; and she lugged and cleaned the bedrooms in the time it took me to clean the kitchen and put things away. Twice I had to sit down and put my feet up, not so much because I was tired (although it did feel good to relax) but because I got a dull ache in my lower belly, like I did when I was pushing a cart around Target the other night. I’ve given up shunting boxes around — DH, his mom, and his dad have all yelled at me when I’ve tried, and sternly remind me when I’m nowhere near assembled cardboard — and am trying to ‘enjoy’ giving orders.
Anyway, I’m in the throes of moving. There are utilities to set up, paperwork to complete, things to buy, all the clobber at my in-laws’ house to pack up (but not lift!) and cross-country move (to get our stuff delivered to San Diego from New York) to coordinate. And I’ve still managed to stay on top of work and design my sister-in-law’s bridal shower and wedding invitations.
Okay, time to pace myself. It’s 11PM and I should wind down for the night. Baby V is on the move again. Time to put my feet up and feel hers kick.
You look radiant! XO
Thank you so much! xo
You look amazing! I love hearing about your little girl… And your absolute overwhelming love for her gives me strength for our own journey.
Up up up placenta!
You are so sweet, thank you! I’m so glad you are drawing strength from different places. Wishing you so much love and luck!! xoxo
You look fantastic my dear!
I had a succenturiate lobe as well ( but mine wasn’t discovered until much later in my pregnancy). It is a bit scary, but everything generally turns out just fine. And a c-section isn’t so bad- especially a planned one. All that matters is the safe arrival of that precious baby!
Congrats on the new home! I’m hoping you post some pics, since I love seeing how other people live! :)
Thanks, Catwoman! Feeling less like a ticking time bomb, these days.
Am ‘delighted’ to know someone else who had a succenturiate lobe. Would love to hear more about your experience. What was scary? Did you go on bed rest? Did you have a c-section (sounds like you did but don’t want to assume)? Did you go full term?
I’m about to publish a Wordless Wednesday post… But I’m also starting a friends and family blog that will share more details about where we live, etc. I’ll send you the link xo
OH MY GOD you look so amazing! Very exciting! And congratulations on the new house. It’s all coming together dearest Lauren- a few challenges still to overcome because as we know life is just never easy even when you deserve it to be- but it’s going to be wonderful. You, hubbie, Baby V and Banjo in amazing house near beach. It’s like a movie! xxx
Aw, thanks, friend! These are exciting times, for sure! Thank you for your wonderful wishes xoxo
Looking beautiful hun! I love your resolve. Baby V’s got a very sensible mumma, and man is she is going to be sooo loved. xxxx
They say it takes a village, and this little baby is already loved by so many, including by people who I’ve met only once ;) I can’t wait til she and Nacho are squabbling over toys some day :)
This is wonderful news Lauren! Just popped by to check on you and you are “glowing”. Carry on! XO
Thanks, MLACS!!
Ooh, you look beautiful! Good for you for getting out and looking at strollers. You’re right, it’s easy to dwell on worst-case scenario but meantime Baby V is growing and there are things to be done :-) I didn’t realize you are in San Diego – we were there in March and really enjoyed the trip (well most of it). It is a beautiful city and you are so lucky to be near the ocean. I found it very therapeutic to watch the seals (and seal babies) playing in the water and lying on the beach. Their wordlessless was more eloquent than anything thought in my mind or anything anyone could say. Isn’t it wonderful to have an active baby inside? Hoping you can draw much strength and reassurance from that! thinking of you.
You most certainly look pregnant and GORGEOUS!!! I’m glad you’re embracing and worrying less. I keep you in my thoughts and will that placenta up too! Congrats on the new place! There isn’t a more perfect place than San Diego! In my book anyway!
That town home sounds lovely. Enjoy your independence!
Now I’m super curious what V’s name will be! You’re looking absolutely wonderful, pregnancy really fits your tall frame well. As much as this sounds like a cliche, do as much as you can to get ready for baby now, because things just get more difficult in the third trimester. Getting our nursery ready early on was one of the best things I did, I can’t imagine trying to put together furniture as big as I am now.
Asking for help has been a huge lesson for me as well. I’m extremely independent, but my body just can’t do some things it used to, so I’ve had to swallow my pride and ask. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system who will help you with your move and more. I hope everything with the move goes well, and I hope you’ll share pictures!
Cute baby bump you have there. V sounds like an active little girl. Your new apt. sounds like a dream come true!
Your MIL sounds lovely :)