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The “rules” of accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:
- Include the Sunshine Award icon in your post
- Link to the blogger who nominated you
- Answer 10 questions about yourself
- Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award and invent 10 questions for them to answer
- Link to your nominees and let them know about the nomination
Thanks to Not When, But IF for the nomination!
My Questions:
1. Are you and your partner a case of “opposites attract,” “two peas in a pod,” or some mix of both?
We are total opposites when it comes to how we process the world — he is a philosopher, I am a creator — and our interests — he is intellectual, I am intuitive. Though our tastes might be slightly different, we enjoy some of the same hobbies, namely: reading, movies, language, food. When it comes to our lifestyle and morality, we are almost identical. What we have both learned this year, for example, is that although we process information differently, we usually arrive at the same independent conclusion almost simultaneously (like, same day). One such conclusion we each arrived at was: you can imagine all you like how you might react in a given situation, but until you actually find yourself in that situation, you have no idea how you’ll respond.
2. Salty or sweet? (There totally IS a right answer!)
Sweet. I choose chocolate over crisps. But chocolate AND crisps in the same mouthful is divine. (Just please don’t ever, ever ask me to choose between chocolate and cheese…)
3. If you remember, how’d you find my blog? Why do you (or don’t you!) read?
Through Twitter. Presumably because I followed someone who followed you. I liked your catchy name, even though in those early days I didn’t get that the IF was e-slang for infertility. I read your blog because it is well-written and because your ability to parse through medical information and self-advocate is inspiring. But if I am totally honest, lately I haven’t been reading as much. You’ve fought long and hard for your latest pregnancy, and I am rooting for you and your little one all the way, but I am on a different path right now.
4. Where do you feel your virtual best? On your blog? Twitter? Facebook? Pinterest? Some other site I’m far too uncool to know about?
On my blog. Here I am free to express myself however I please — especially now that it is password-protected. I reckon people who take the time to visit and enter a password are people who genuinely care about what I have to say, regardless of the reason.
Facebook and Twitter are double-edged swords these days that are best avoided.
5. When did you start blogging? Was there a particular trigger that fueled your desire to blog?
I actually started blogging several years ago. I have a personal blog which was an experiment in writing. I blog about food, my travels, creativity. I think unless you really know me, it doesn’t make much sense — I don’t know what it offers to a stranger on the internet. I also have a dog blog. Both have been severely neglected this year. What I’ve learned from OFT is that people respond to authenticity and that when they read a blog it’s because it has a specific subject matter. I think that’s why neither of my other blogs saw much success in terms of traffic / readership — though if anyone reading this wants the link, just ask ;)
6. What one thing never fails to make you happy?
Assuming I’m in a bad mood or upset, there is nothing that fails to make me happy per se. But I find the beach grounding, the ocean soothing. Good food comforts me, a wine can dazzle me. Chocolate and cheese (separately!) can make me swoon in different ways. A good song (I have so many) can move me to my soul. If I am sad, a song can move me to tears (thank you, Charles Bradley!). If I am happy, a good song can make my heart burst with happiness (here I would have to choose Groove Armada’s At the River or Led Zeppelin’s Dazed and Confused). And wherever I am, physically and emotionally, I am always so grateful that I have the best husband a woman could hope for, and several close friends who aren’t fazed by the weird shit I throw at them. (Hi Boo! Hi Sweetie! Hi Jolly! Hi Danielle — yes, I mean you, Meerkat!)
7. Are you crafty? If so, what’s your favorite medium?
Food — I’m pretty good at making a meal out of anything. I also paint in oils, make sculptural jewellery, and compose melodies.
8. If you could have a new career/occupation/profession tomorrow, what would it be? Why?
Been there, done that, and currently getting the t-shirt. What I mean is, 4 years ago I asked myself this very question and the answer was: graphic design. I’ve yet to earn any serious money from it, but I’m slowly building up my portfolio. Considering that I thought such a change would be impossible when I asked myself the question, I’m pleased with how much I’ve conquered!
9. What one item of your partner’s clothing/apparel would you love to secretly toss?
Already did that too. He is the only man I’ve ever met who still has t-shirts he was wearing in high school. That was 20+ years ago. I don’t mind those t-shirts, but the hand-me-up sweaters from his younger sisters had to go. So did those disgusting plaid shirts and mustard heavy corduroys trousers. DH is like an absent-minded professor: brilliant in so many ways, but absolutely unconcerned with the superficial. And yet when it comes to suiting, he is very particular, even making sure his sock colour matches his trousers. And he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing black shoes with a blue suit. It’s the Italian in him, I guess.
10. Thoughts on the term “furbabies”? Love or hate?
Don’t care. It’s a little twee for me, but each to their own. My dog is just that: my dog. I am his maternal protector (he definitely sees me as his mom, which is not something I ever wished to cultivate). However, I usually refer to myself as his guardian, not his owner — he is not my possession. That said, I came across a woman in a dog run this summer who kept referring to her dog as her child, and my dog as my child. A year ago I would have laughed and rolled my eyes. This year it made me feel sad for her.
Here are my questions. For the most part, I’m repeating myself because no one to my knowledge answered them last time…
- What is your super power? Not a fake one, but something you are good at and can consistently rely on?
- What gift (apart from effortlessly making a human) do you wish you had?
- Have you read a book more than three times?
- What is your mantra?
- What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
- What made you decide to start blogging?
- What’s in your handbag (UK) / purse (US) / “bag you carry around all day” (elsewhere)?
- What’s in your fridge?
- Do you remember how you discovered my blog? Why do you read it?
- What makes you feel fabulous?
And I’d like to nominate the following fabulous bloggers:
- Sweetest in the Gale
- RadKitten
- Fox in the Hen House
- A Crack in Everything
- Anonyblog
- Infertile Smurf
- Don’t Count Your Eggs
- My Cheap Version of Therapy
And hey, you guys below, I’d nominate you again… Curious about your answers but don’t think you responded last time…!
Thank you for nominating me. I’ll look again. Lol.
Ahahahaha! Busted, lol. Love it’
Ahahahaha! Busted, lol. Love it!