Today I am the most pregnant I’ve ever been — officially 6w6d pregnant. (By the time most of you read this, though, it will be Wednesday, when I will be a whole seven weeks’ pregnant!)
As each of the past 13 days crept closer to my first ultrasound appointment, the dread and the excitement intensified. Last night, I slept fitfully between getting up to pee and dreams of ultrasounds where we saw one heartbeat.
That’s all I wanted, to see at least one healthy embie with a heartbeat.
I got up and immediately had to use the bathroom, I was so nervous. I showered, and as the water ran over my shoulders, I placed my hand over my lower belly and said a simple Please… There wasn’t much more to say.
The drive to the clinic was long — my stomach still churning — and the nurse was running 30 minutes late. As DH and I sat in the waiting room, he tried to read, and I sat, frozen, clutching my handbag. DH made me laugh by pointing to pictures of people at charitable functions in the back of San Diego magazine and asked me which people I’d most want to spend an evening with. He chose the three guys with crazy hair. I chose the couples with fun glasses and arty dress. A couple came in — him, with a white paper bag which he gave to the receptionist, and her, wearing a comfy-looking velour tracksuit — and minutes later their names called by a woman in scrubs who led them through a doorway DH and I never crossed through. I understood then that they were here for their IVF retrieval, and my heart soared for them and I started to cry.
My eyelashes were still wet when my name was finally called. Lovely J, the junior nurse who usually collects me from the waiting room, led us to an exam room and asked me a few questions. I whispered my answers.
Have you been taking your progesterone morning and night? Yes.
Have you had any nausea or vomiting? Nausea, yes; vomiting, no.
Have you had any spotting or cramping? Yes, both, but nothing that has concerned me.
Okay, the nurse will be right with you. Breathe! grinned J. (I guess I am normally a lot more bubbly!)
I undressed from the waist down, and clutched my Jizo pebble in my left hand. Moments later, my favourite nurse, T, came in. (She’s the one who told us how much she enjoys our donor’s company when Nellie goes in for her exams.) She asked how I was doing, and when I said Nervous, because I haven’t had much luck with first ultrasounds… she said we would get right to it and we’ll go over the questions after, which both DH and I appreciated.
Feet in stirrups, DH and I held hands, Jizo pebble wedged between our palms, and the ultrasound began. At first there was nothing to see, the screen was a mottled grey. Our hands squeezed tighter. I began to despair, I almost began to panic — but suddenly a black oblong swam into view. A few seconds later, T quickly confirmed I see a heartbeat.
A heartbeat? It took a few seconds to sink in. We have a heartbeat!
It was hard to see because the embryo is so tiny — just 6mm long, perfectly on track for 6w6d, but almost 10,000 times larger than s/he was 5 weeks ago — but there was this tiny flicker of life. It was one of the most surreal, spellbinding delights of my life. I present a very grainy ultrasound photo of Baby A:
What remains to be seen is if there is a Baby B. The part of the sac where the embryo would be was kind of fuzzy, so it was hard to make out if there was an embryo, much less a heartbeat. The sac measures the same size as Baby A’s, so it could be a blighted ovum — where the sac keeps growing after the embryo stops growing — or we just might not have been able to see Baby B. We won’t know what’s what until next week’s ultrasound. Privately, DH and I think that the nurse thinks it’s a blighted ovum. We’re okay if Baby B didn’t make it, as long as Baby A is okay. And if Baby B was playing his first game of peekaboo, then we’ll have a surprise next week!
I asked if my risk of miscarriage has gone down now that we’ve seen a heartbeat, but T said I’m still at the usual risk (13%, slightly higher than the usual 10% as I have had a miscarriage before), but that if there’s still a heartbeat next week then it will drop down to 5%. She advised me to call my OB to make an appointment for when I graduate from the RE’s in a couple of weeks’ time, also because if I have any questions on, say, morning sickness, I have someone to call. (RE’s are in the business of getting women pregnant, not actually dealing with pregnancy, which makes sense.)
So I have my next ultrasound next Tuesday April 1st, when I will be 7w6d and where we will see if Baby A is still thriving and if there’s a Baby B.
I have my final ultrasound the following Tuesday April 8th, when I will be 8w6d, whereupon I ‘graduate’ from RE to OB.
And my first ultrasound with my OB is the next day, Wednesday April 9th, when I will be 9 weeks’ pregnant. That day is also my birthday, so I’m hoping for the following gift: a short, stress-free wait in That Waiting Room, followed by a long, delightful ultrasound appointment in which I get to see a healthy baby and hear his or her heartbeat.
I arrived at the clinic clutching my stomach, and left clutching a “Baby’s First Photo” card with two ultrasounds taped inside. Today was a good day. I am officially, undeniably, seriously-guys-this-is-real, clinically knocked up. B-boom-b-boom-b-boom!
I am so, so happy for you Lauren. Truly fantastic. :)
Thanks, Josey! It feels pretty amazing to have got this far. 7w3d today, so early, but days are flying by…
Fantastic! So happy for you, hun! I’ll be waiting to see if you get a little surprise next week- wouldn’t that be amazing! :)
Thanks, Catwoman! (I love calling you that, btw. Even if we meet, I might have to call you Catwoman…) I’ll really be okay with one or two, just as long as there’s at least one. Feel very lucky to have seen a heartbeat so early. xo
Hurray!! One day at a time… Those cells do a-mazing things each day- each hour. They’re dividing like crazy and pumping out proteins- it’s really cool when you think about it- that little clump of cells is taking the building blocks of life from YOUR body and knitting them together to copy DNA, make amino acids, then develop proteins which make the structures of the embryo. The DNA is the blueprint but to make the baby, it needs all the wonderful pieces that are floating around in your body. You’re like a big shopping center and that little thing is picking and choosing from all you have to offer! So cool! Can’t wait til next week!
I gotta say, Denise, I would LOVE for you to do a guest post sometime on the genetic / biological aspect of pregnancy. I just love this comment and think every donor egg mama / -to-be would love to read it. You have such a great perspective, and I find it really comforting even at this stage when I am really okay with using another woman’s DNA to build my family. I wonder if there’s a book on pregnancy at the molecular level… you know, something that I would understand :) Thanks for such an uplifting comment xo
Aw, thanks :)
I’m glad you saw a heartbeat at the ultrasound. I hope things continue to go well for you. (Are you relieved now that you know you’re for sure not having triplets?)
Thanks a lot, Leila. I am SO relieved, never saw a heartbeat before, so this is a huge milestone for us. Lol, yes, I am relieved it’s not triplets — but I didn’t think it would be. I had a feeling both embryos implanted, we’ll see if both make it on Tuesday… xx
Whee! Thanks :)
I got to see your post almost as soon as it came out and it cheered me up and made time pass quicker…I am usully very much asleep at this time…there is always a reason. So the mistery will be unveiled next week!
How funny, I love such coincidences. Yep, only a few more days to go, eep!
Tearful. Im so happy for you! xxx
Thanks, friend. That means so much xo
Yay! That’s so cool hunny, I’m so happy for you!
(Your birthday is two days after mine!)
Fistbump to the Aries women doing DEIVF! Thanks xoxox