On the beach, beneath a summer blue sky
filled with curdled clouds,
I found peace.
Two lines in a book
that brought relief and acceptance.
I breathed easy for the first time in months
and took joy in
the scratchy sand between my toes
and the silky water on my lips.
The ocean breeze
and the late afternoon sun
prickling on my skin,
a duet.
Later, in the mirror, I spotted
three white hairs at my temple.
Newly sprouted scars
that whisper the stress I’ve carried.
I wear them proudly.
If you liked this post, you might also like Give & Take: The Rhythm of Acceptance.
I’m reading a book called ‘The Secret’ at the moment, and it has basically the same premise- being grateful for what you have so that the universe wants to give you more. I know its described much better than that here and in the book…but I guess thats it in a nutshell. And it’s true.
My sister swears by that book! Can’t say it’s worked for me, though :/ As I understand it, The Secret is a variant of The Law of Attraction? I was never more positive than when I got pregnant, never took better care of myself, and still I miscarried. It seems kind of mean to imply that I miscarried because I wasn’t positive enough. Not having read it, perhaps I have misunderstood the principle? What’s your take?
However, I *do* agree with the premise that life reflects your attitude back at you. I do believe in karma (in the true sense, as I explained here) and try to live by that: by putting goodness out there, perhaps you bring a smile to someone’s face, and they in turn are kind to someone, and so on. If we can inject kindness into our communities, those little drops would add up to an ocean of goodness <3
Lovely and evocative. XO
I thought of you as I wrote it <3
Beautiful poem. What were the two lines from the book?
Thanks, friend <3
If you have a staff, I will give you a staff. If you have no staff, I will take it from you.