It’s been almost 12 weeks since I had my D&C and my period still hasn’t returned. I’m getting quite worried now. The absence of my period would be one thing, but that combined with other symptoms is concerning me. Thought I would reach out to the pregnancy loss community to see if I can get some answers / reassurance ahead of my doctor’s appointment next week.
On May 7th and 8th, I had what felt like bad period pain — but no period. I had a tiny amount of very pale brown staining when I wiped, but nothing more than that. The pain was bad enough that I took a pain killer on the second day. I’d had signs of ovulation about 2 weeks before, so I was expecting Aunt Flo and was surprised when she didn’t show up.
So I went back to see Dr. D. to see if having a “phantom period” is normal. She said everything looked and felt normal, and that it was highly unlikely I had Asherman’s Syndrome because my surgery was so short.
She ordered some blood tests; everything came back normal, but TSH levels came back at 4.60, which is borderline hypothyroid. I was advised to wait 3-4 weeks before having a repeat TSH test, which I should do even if my period comes back. So I’ve been waiting for this Friday’s blood test in preparation for my primary care (GP) doctor’s visit next Tuesday.
Ten days after my first phantom period I had signs of ovulation. With all the disappointing news I keep getting over the past few months, I knew better than to hope Aunt Flo would show up before my second thyroid test. But Saturday morning I started having really bad pains. They were so bad (pain level 4) early Sunday morning that they kept me awake from 4am to 6am. And still, no Aunt Flo. It’s another “phantom period.”
One I can dismiss, but two seems like something’s wrong. Especially when the second one happened 25 days after the first. (I am usually a 27-day cycle gal, so this would only be 2 days earlier than normal.)
Now, as I write this on Monday evening, it’s the third day of pain. (However, last night and today it feels like more a tender pressure, like bad bloating, like I’m gassy — except I’m not.)
I’m terrified it’s Asherman’s Syndrome, or that I am bleeding and it’s collecting in my uterus (hence the pressure) and seeping out through my fallopian tubes which would not exactly do my endometriosis any favours. I’m trying to stop my imagination from running wild, but this doesn’t seem right to me.
I’ll do the follow up blood tests this week, and I have an intensive ultrasound next Tuesday, but a week feels like a long time to have to wait. Obviously I’ll call my doctor again if the pain keeps up, but can anyone tell me if they experienced this too? Does this seem normal? I don’t know if I should trust my body, or if the nagging voice is instinct or paranoia. Please help!
I found out my progesterone level has dropped, so I should be having my period but I’m not. So on Monday I will have my hysteroscopy to determine what the hell is going on with my phantom periods. This is gross and I apologize, but I was wondering if anyone knows anything about cervical mucus. If the cervix is scarred shut, would you still have a lot of discharge? I was having quite a bit of it before my period was due last week. No pinkish or brown tint at all.
My dr. (OB/GYN not RE) said Asherman’s is very rare and that it is either that my “lining is too thin to mount a menstrual response or hormonally the ‘signal’ is not being sent or is impeded in some way to initiate the flow.” Why don’t I feel confident that I do, or did, have a lining — my progesterone level was 22.1 in the 3-4 days after my last ovulation. What would happen to the lining if I weren’t able to shed it? Would it seep back through the fallopian tubes? I am still waiting for a callback from him.
I meant to say that I AM confident I do/did have a lining…sorry. Although I know I can’t know it for sure.
Hi Jackie,
Obviously, I’m not a doctor, so I wouldn’t rely on information I’ve picked up… but it seems to me that cervical fluid is produced by the cervical crypts which is IN the cervix. So, no, I personally don’t think your cervix is scarred shut. If there were a blockage, I think your uterine lining would either be re-absorbed by your body or, I’ve heard in rare cases, it can travel up through the Fallopian tubes into your abdominal cavity, which *may* cause endometriosis.
Honestly, sounds to me like after two back-to-back miscarriages your reproductive system is still balancing. I think it’s great that your OB is taking your concerns seriously and I am sure you will have the answers soon. xx
Thank you. That does make me feel better. I am really getting much out of your blog, Lauren. You have a unique voice and are very brave. Often I am reading infertility stories of much younger people in their 20s, and so it is nice to get the point of view of someone in the same situation as me at this stage in life (turned 36 yesterday).
Hello. The exact thing is happening to me. I had a D&C June 19, 2013. I am now on my 2nd phantom period cycle. Bad cramping, no blood. And I know I ovulated because I had positive opks and a progesterone test confirmed it. I am terrified of scarring. The dr. is supposed to call tomorrow and will probably recommend a sonohysterograph to examine the uterine cavity. Have you asked about having this done?
Hi Jackie,
Sorry to hear this has been your experience as well. It’s horrid, isn’t it? My period returned two days after my second phantom period, so I never needed to follow up with an HSG. If you have never had uterine surgery before, the chances of scarring are minimal — this is what my doctor told me. One of my regular readers suggested I might have a blockage in my cervix — turns out I didn’t, but this is also something you could ask about. It sounded less serious than scarring!
Sorry for your loss and all the extra worry. I know it’s now fun. Take it one day at a time, comrade.
Lauren x
Thanks Lauren.
I had a progesterone test today. The RE said if it is below 3 I should be having a period. Only other explanation is pregnancy and I know that isn’t the case. If I don’t get a period I have an office hysteroscopy on Monday so they can examine my uterus with a camera. I’m so worried. I wish so much I had known how bad the effects of a D&C could be. I would have chosen the pill in a heartbeat had I known. I am really worried I will never have kids due to this D&C.
I’m so sorry that you have all this stress on top of your heartache. I wish there were some wisdom I could give you, a possible explanation. If you can, try to let go of your regret because it only adds to your suffering, my love. I *know* this is easier said than done. It’s possible that you could have taken Misoprostol and still ended up needing a D&C, like me. Have you ever had uterine surgery before? Don’t forget that stress can keep our cycles at bay. There are so many explanations for why you haven’t had a period, and not all of them mean you won’t be able to carry a baby. Hang in there, I know a week feels like a century xo
I have never had uterine surgery before, nor any problems or irregularities with my cycle before this D&C. One thing is I had back to back miscarriages, meaning I haven’t had a real period since February. The first miscarriage was a natural one. The second one where i had the d&c was a blighted ovum and it felt a lot like how I feel now, lots of pelvic pressure. Except I did not have any cramping like I did with this phantom cycle. I cannot imagine I will suddenly start bleeding after the cramping I had yesterday/last night. I pray to god my body really just is out of whack and I don’t have any blockages or scarring. I will let you know what happens with the hysteroscopy. When will you start testing for pregnancy?
Best of luck!
Hey Jackie,
I was told that Asherman’s Syndrome is more common in women who have had uterine surgery before. The risks that something went wrong for you are quite small. I’m sure your body is just out of whack and adjusting to not being pregnant — it has a lot to deal with if you had two MCs back to back. Please keep me posted, I know it’s so stressful. I hope you get good news!
Not sure when I will test. If I have any pregnancy signs, I might test before my period is due… but I might not. No idea! Last time I tested early and got a bunch of negatives before AF showed… waste of money ;)
Lauren xx
Also…thanks for your advice. I know it is bad to look back. I wish I would stop it with the regrets. There is nothing to do that is helpful but keep moving forward and not giving up.
It’s not so much “bad” as unhelpful. Don’t beat yourself up too much, just do the best you can. That is all anyone — including ourselves — can expect from ourselves. And yes, keep moving forward, one step at a time, one day at a time, sometimes even one breath at a time <3
I had a d and e last year- I didn’t get my first period for 8 weeks and that was after immediately starting birth control pills after the procedure. After a previous d and e, I didn’t take BCPs and got pregnant the next month (after years of infertility ! But then miscarried.) more recently my cycle is strange- I had a month where I only didn’t bleed for 1 week… And I’m on BCPs and my whole life I was regular. I’m not sure if the d and e does all this ? I’ve had pain too, but nothing that I would say is stronger than strong period cramping. Could your uterus still be contracting? I asked my doc about that and she told me after the d and e at 13 weeks that contractions would be done writhin a week or so…
Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to have more than one D&E, much less more than one. God, it’s all so topsy-turvy, isn’t it? I don’t think my uterus is still contracting — at least, not related to the miscarriage. My hCG levels were at 1; my doctor said higher levels (that normally indicate pregnancy) could cause a woman to keep bleeding, long after her MC is over, but wouldn’t cause amenorrhea (absence of period).
I’ve also heard that every pregnancy changes your cycle, so I hope yours settle down into something predictable again.
I don’t have answers either, but I don’t blame you for being concerned. It’s possible you’re not actually ovulating, which wouldn’t be abnormal after your body goes through the stress of a pregnancy and miscarriage/D&C. But I think your doctor should do everything possible to figure it out. If I were you, I might call & express my worry again to see if they’ll get you in earlier. Doesn’t hurt to try!
Thank you for the virtual hug, Bluebird xx
I have no answers for you unfortunately. I would agree with Catwoman… temping would give you some answers… but if you haven’t been temping then starting now isn’t going to tell you anything really before Tuesday. Trust your instincts… if you are in pain and something isn’t right badger your doctor until they can give you an answer. Hugs to you.
Funny you should both mention this, I decided to start temping this morning! 97.27… and looks like it might be CD1!!
Hugs to you too, Egg x
It certainly sounds odd… are you temping? That would confirm whether or not ovulation is taking place. If it is, and you aren’t getting a period, I would definitely be concerned. Asherman’s is a possibility, but if you’ve only had one d&c, I’d say it’s pretty unlikely. Another possibility is that you have a chunk of retained tissue stuck in your cervix- this happened to me twice with my 4th loss. If something is stuck in your cervix, as opposed to your uterus, it’s extremely difficult to see with ultrasound. It wasn’t until more than two months after that loss that the final HUGE piece of tissue came out, and my cycle went back to normal. Frustrating!
If you aren’t ovulating, however- well, it could just be that your body hasn’t recovered from the miscarriage and d&c. My body usually takes a while after a loss to return to normal, even when the miscarriage went smoothly. But if you aren’t ovulating, I would certainly recommend getting all your hormone levels tested to see what might be going on.
Basically- if you aren’t temping and charting- I would start. Then you have something visual to show your doc rather than showing up with vague complaints- docs like to quantify everything. Good luck- I know how incredibly frustrating it is… Hugs…
I was just saying to our friend, Egg Timer, that, funnily enough, I decided to temp this morning for the first time since January — lo and behold, you both suggested it. Must be something in the air :)
I want to thank you for sharing this piece of information with me. Also, your line, “My body usually takes a while after a loss to return to normal, even when the miscarriage went smoothly.” really made me pause. It’s a sad sentence to be able to write, and I am quietly impressed by your strength.
Thank you for your wisdom and hugs. Right back atcha, girl x
That sounds awful! I’ve experienced some phantom periods while I had my IUD, but never while I was on a regular cycle. And definitely not after my loss. I have no idea what to suggest, other than what you’re already doing. I did, however, want to come and offer my support and gentlest hugs. xox
Huzzah for the phantom period pals! Hugs to you too, friend xo