Greetings from the Grand Canyon, where DH and I will be ringing in 2014 with some good friends who have been very supportive this year.
I always thought 13 was a lucky number. Now I’m not so sure: 2013 was definitely the worst year of my life, for so many interwoven reasons.
So with 13 hours to go, I thought I’d round off the year with a few numbers of my own.
Blog Posts Published: 167
Blog Posts in Draft: 10
Blog Pages: 12
Blog Comments: 1,347+
Site Hits: 25,548+
Tweets: 5,000+
Months Spent TTC: 16
Cycles Spent TTC: 10
Pregnancies: 1
Live Births: 0
Miscarriages: definitely 1, possibly 3.
Memorial Services Attended: 2
Pregnancy Tests Peed On: 15
Devastating Diagnoses: 3
Hot Dates with the Dildocam: 20
Chill Dates with the Acupuncturist: 13
Tiny Pills Shoved Up My Hooha That Were Not Designed to Be Taken Vaginally: 88
Miles Driven To/From Medical Appointments: 4,121.6 (aka an extra $2,000 in deductibles†)
Parking Costs: $117.50††
Medical Bills: $16,000 and counting…*††
Middle Fingers Raised to Taxman: 2
New Friends Made: countless.
* Includes contact lenses, acupuncture, therapy, dental treatment. Does not include health insurance premiums.
† Tax deductions for 2013 are 24c per mile.
†† Tax deductible in the U.S. if combined deductions exceed 10% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).
Here’s hoping it’s a very happy new year for all of us. May all of our plans for DEIVF / IVF / adoption / being at peace with no longer trying to conceive / well-timed sex / IUI bear fruit.
Catwoman73 says
I’m just catching up on my reading… what a lovely place to spend NYE! Totally jealous here… I hope you had a great time, and are gearing up for an exciting year! :)
Lauren says
I have so much to catch up on, it’s not funny… Between emails, comments, blog reading, and work, I am swamped! Haven’t checked out your blog in a while but I hope you are on the mend. So much love xoxo