I appreciate that asking my readers to enter a password to access this site is annoying. The plugin I purchased isn’t so great after all.
I also know that many of you prefer to receive updates by email or RSS feed, but that it hasn’t been working because the posts are password-protected.
I think I’ve found a solution that protects my privacy and is convenient for YOU! The solution is a new password-protection plugin that plays nicely with MailChimp. (This has the added bonus of not relying on Feedburner, which will soon be permanently phased out by Google.)
I’ll be making some changes around here. If it’s okay with you, I’ll migrate your email address to a MailChimp subscription.
Existing Feedburner Subscribers
If you’re a recent subscriber or recently updated your subscription from WordPress to Feedburner, my apologies for the inconvenience. I hope this will be some plain sailing for you from now on!
There’s nothing you need to do because I can do it for you. However, if you’re a pro-active kind of person and want to go ahead and sign up to the MailChimp list, simply visit: http://eepurl.com/JSoDf
Existing WordPress Subscribers
If you are still subscribed via WordPress, you will notice that recent and future emails will be truncated. Here’s how to update your subscription:
- If you’re reading this online: delete your WordPress subscription by going to https://subscribe.wordpress.com/ and deleting OnFecundThought.com
- OR if you’re reading this by email: click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.
- Then subscribe via MailChimp at http://eepurl.com/JSoDf
Thanks for your patience!
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