Yesterday (Day 5), just over one third of our embryos were at blastocyst stage. Half are top quality, half are good/fair quality. All but one tested genetically normal, and we have a choice of gender. Be still my beating heart!
About another third of the other embryos were at early blastocyst stage and weren’t contenders for biopsy yesterday. However, this morning all six are good quality blastocysts that will be biopsied today. Any normal embies will be frozen for use in a future FET cycle — which, hopefully, won’t be for a couple of years’ time if/when we decide we want another.
The remaining third of embryos have slowed and won’t make it. Farewell, brave little companions.
Two will be transferred today at 12.15pm California time (3.15pm EST / 8.15pm GMT). In a few hours’ time, I will be PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise) and then I will be on bed rest for a couple of days, whereupon I will have a chance to respond to all the wonderful messages I’ve received over the past week or so.
Speaking of messages, this morning I spoke to my three-year-old niece, Little C. She kept saying over and over again, Let’s play with the double baby stroller! Let’s play with the double baby stroller! It’s not like I talk to her on the phone all that often, but really… fancy her saying that, today of all days!
Today also marks the 1-year anniversary of my first ultrasound where I learned that my Bean had died, so there is a nice synchronicity. I see it very much as closing the chapter of a terrible year and beginning a new, much happier one. It’s like a wink from Bean, saying everything will be alright.
I’m wearing a big coral pink t-shirt over blue leggings, and a slouchy oversized teal cardigan. I’ve also got on my lucky rabbit socks and my good luck charms. In 90 minutes, my husband will watch as another man gets me knocked up (haha! couldn’t resist) and I am calm, excited, hopeful, and so, so grateful.
Off we go…
Hugs to you for this difficult anniversary, they are so hard. But starting this new journey at this time makes me feel so hopeful. Your bean is watching over you. So excited for you. xx
WOW! Oh this is amazing news! I’m SO excited for you! At the same time, I’m sorry this is your anniversary and I’d like to share with you that my own bean had a strong hb of 160bpm on the morning of Feb. 25th, but my condition worsened and I confirmed no hb in the ER that evening. I know it’s not how you pictured it, but DE or chicken eggs or whatever, you are pregnant! Hallelujah! XO
Thanks so much!! It feels wonderful to be PUPO, and I’m grateful that something so hopeful happened on my sad anniversary. You’re right, this isn’t how I imagine my path to motherhood, but I am just so glad that there is a path at all. Much love to you xx
Many good wishes coming your way from the Pacific Northwest! Happy Preguary!
Yeah!! Thanks, Mandy!! (I love the PNW, it’s so beautiful up there. Lucky you!) xx
Congrats on being PUPO my dear! So very pleased that things worked out so well for you. Now I’m anxiously awaiting your beta- when will it be?
Thanks for your wishes, Catwoman!! We feel very fortunate indeed. My beta is scheduled for 10am on March 10th. Only 10 days away, eep!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hope all goes well.
Much appreciated, Leila! How is your friend doing? xx
Nothing new with her, unfortunately, as far as I know.
You’re a good friend x