I did a fairly bold thing today. I outed myself on Facebook as someone about to start an FET cycle. I’ve been totally open about egg donation (and parenting after DEIVF) for about 18 months, but that was when V was nearly a year old.
Last week, once again I found myself congratulating someone for being open about their fertility struggles while they were going through it. And I thought, I want to be that person. I admire that kind of ballsy-ness (ahem ovary-ness?) so today, in honour of National Infertility Awareness Week, I thought, fuck it. I am comfortable being open, why not be?
And if FET3 fails, the people who will remember my NIAW posts and enquire about our efforts are more likely to be empathic folk.
So I posted an image of all the meds I’ve been prescribed since September to try to have a second baby.

Four bags of needles (for estrogen, progesterone, and leuprolide acetate) + sharps box; various estrogen, progesterone, Lupron, Letrozole, Azithromycin (for both DH and me), Prednisone, Valium, and folic acid. Not included in this photo: baby aspirin, birth control pills, various supplements, including folate.
I posted a version of this image with a blurb that said how having a baby cures childlessness—not infertility. I wasn’t sure about the response I’d get, but I definitely got more support than I expected.
People really aren’t comfortable talking about infertility. I used to be like that. But parenting a non-genetic child takes that option away… a subject for another post that I’m working on!
This weekend signified a cleansing of sorts.
We went to Buona Forchetta, our favourite Italian restaurant in San Diego, and enjoyed a bottle of cava over lunch. I’ve stopped drinking, a month before transfer, so DH let me glug the lion’s share. A few glasses put a spring in my step, so we wandered around Balboa Park for a while before spreading a picnic blanket under a pine tree. I dozed in the dappled sunshine, watching DH play with V.
This morning I had my last cup of coffee for hopefully only 9 months… I’ll still have black tea in the morning, but will stop that on May 3rd, which is the day I have my baseline ultrasound and will be cleared to start the estrogen injections.
And—okay, slightly off-topic, but still cleansing—I KonMaried the shit out of our closets. Ooh, our clothes drawers looks so pretty and sooooo practical! What a great way to keep busy! I joked to myself that I’m nesting before I’m even knocked-up… Sigh.
Tomorrow (Monday) morning, I’ll start the Lupron injections. Here’s my calendar, if you’re interested:
So there you have it. I’m officially in cycle.
Please, oh please, oh please let this cycle result in a take-home baby.
Good job on being that ballsy gal ! Hugs
Big love as always!!!! Sending you hugs xxxx