Since calling me on Monday with the good news that my beta was a whopping 2,000, Nurse C has totally changed her tune with me. She is cheerful and friendly. When she called yesterday with the results of my follow up beta, she even showed some compassion. Our conversation went a little like this:
C: Hi Lauren! It’s C!
L: Hi C! How are you doing?
C: I’m wonderful — and so are you!
L: Oh, what a relief…
C: You are… 4,029!
Holy mercury-filled mackerel! Four thousand and twenty-nine? We were hoping for a 66% increase (so, 3,333), but 4,029 is more than double!
C went on to say that she thinks it’s twins. OMFG. Because in her line of work (which she has been doing for 25+ years) and with her personality (extremely cautious) I’m guessing that she wouldn’t tell me she thinks it’s twins unless she really, really, doubly really thinks it’s twins.
These numbers are high even for twins —
Please, I wanna put the kibosh on triplets jokes; I might actually start freaking out, because triplets would be an extremely high risk pregnancy with the possibility that one or more babies would be disabled or worse. Instead, I would like to focus on the comforting compliment that C paid me on Monday: I am very good at making placentas. (This was said after I told her my hCG levels were 31,977 when I was 8w3d pregnant with Bean — 18 days after he died.)
— but a couple of women have reached out to tell me that their numbers were similar, and they had a singleton. Other twin moms have had lower numbers than me. It just goes to show that you can’t put too much stock in hCG levels, because every woman is different.
Twins would be two for the price of one, I joked on the phone. C’s response was very kind: Well, after the year you’ve had, I’m not sure it would really be two for the price of one… I was quite moved by her simple acknowledgment of my journey so far. I guess in her line of work it must be easier to get emotionally involved once there is an established pregnancy.
Of course, just because I am pregnant today does not mean I will be pregnant tomorrow. I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday March 25th at 9.45am, where we will find out either way, and if there are one or two gestational sacs. I am half excited, half terrified.
The terror comes from having had the experience of a traumatic first ultrasound where I didn’t see a heartbeat. Nothing will take that away except for seeing one or more healthy heartbeat/s. The terror comes from the very real possibility that it’s twins. I knew what I was signing up for, but it means I probably won’t be able to find a job in my second trimester like I was planning to, and although twins doesn’t mean literally buying two of everything, it will be expensive — we’re just about recovered from a few hard years, financially. And twins means seeing a maternal-fetal specialist because it’s potentially a high-risk pregnancy.
On the up side, a twin pregnancy means I would be more closely monitored, which means greater peace of mind. I am really looking forward to (hopefully!) seeing a heartbeat or two in 12 days’ time, that’s not an experience I’ve ever had. For now, the good news of so high a beta must sustain me.
And it should go without saying — but let me be emphatic: I am so damn grateful to be here, pregnant, possibly with twins, that I can hardly speak. (In fact, it’s a whole other post I’m working on.)
Because a year ago today I had my D&C. Farewell, the last of the sad anniversaries… I survived, and I’m hopeful the budding life inside me will too.
Raindrops&Roses says
Lauren lovely, I am unbelievably happy for you and wanted to send all my congratulations and best wishes. I truly believed your bravery would be rewarded and I am so pleased that it has been – and in the most wonderful way. Enjoy every moment of this special gift – which I feel sure your little Mizuko Bean had a hand in sending your way.
Much love xxx
Lauren says
Oh, Roses, thank you so much for such a lovely and encouraging wishes. Thank you for believing in me and for remembering little Bean. You’ve got me all choked up xoxoxo
Leila says
It’s really great that your body is doing everything more than right this pregnancy. I’m glad Chris started warming up to you and I hope your pregnancy continues to be uneventful.
(Oh and I really, really doubt you’re having more than 2 babies.)
Lauren says
I appreciate your saying so, Leila. Thank you for the encouragement!
janetoffkilter says
Great, great news!!
Lauren says
Thanks, Janet! (Btw, your link doesn’t work…)
Tina says
That is great news and I’m happy for you!
Lauren says
Thanks, Tina!
Catwoman73 says
Whether it’s one or two, things definitely sound like they’re going along just fine. Sending you lots of love, hun. I’m so very happy for you!
Lauren says
Thank you so much! I am glad that it appears to others that things are progressing nicely, thanks for saying so xoxo
Hope says
Have you seen the Beta Base ( I looked there because my betas (with what turned out to be a singleton) were scary-high, and it shows what a huge range of numbers goes into producing the average. You may be above the average, but you’re nowhere near the top of the range. I think what you have is a strong, healthy pregnancy. :)
Lauren says
Someone else actually shared that link with me the day before you did, Hope. It’s a great resource — for the little we can gauge from the wide ranges of hCG anyway!
Thanks for sharing that your numbers were also super high and that you were carrying a singleton. That’s actually really helpful and reassuring.
I feel, I hope, I have a strong, healthy pregnancy. We’re going to find out soon!!
Big love xoxo
Arwen says
so many hugs! Your baby (ies) is on its way to you at last my friend.
Lauren says
Big hugs to you too, lovely lady. Yours will be soon too! xoxo