It’s been a month since I weaned V. She sometimes asks to nurse, but overall it’s been much harder on me than it has her. So, my whoremones aside (the worst I’ve ever had), it’s been full steam ahead with a medicated FET.
Last Thursday
After being on birth control for 12 days, I had my baseline ultrasound. All looked quiet (thanks, birth control!), so I was told to start estrogen patches that day. Our tentative FET date was November 1st.
I was very skeptical about them working—during my first ever mock cycle (December 2013), my lining didn’t get above 7mm, even when vaginal estrogen was added to the oral—but there’s currently a nationwide shortage of delestrogen (the injectable kind, which I do respond to) until January-March next year.
Ugh, patches. I’m allergic to glue.
We don’t want to wait until March. We’re already doing this a couple of months later than we wanted, thanks to a major oversight at the clinic.
I negotiated an injectable shot of estrogen in case I need an extra boost to get my lining over 8mm. I’ll deal with the inevitable eczema. Let’s do this.
I was fumble-fingered as I peeled the first of the four patches to place it on my belly. The next four will be easier.
Three days later, when I replaced the patches, I was surprised not to see any skin irritation.
But that cramping, though. Surely it means a cyst or some other SNAFU?
I rolled into the clinic at peace with the idea that I’d need a booster shot of estrogen. God, this shit is so much easier when you already have a kid.
I told Kristin, the nurse practitioner, I wasn’t expecting much—my body has obviously absorbed the estrogen, because I had a decent amount of EWCM, but I’ve had some cramping. Plus, I don’t respond to a combination or oral and vaginal estrogen, so why would transdermal work?
“What are your plans this week?” Kristin asked.
“I’m planning a second birthday party!” I grinned. “But Pinterest Mom I ain’t, so I’m just having a bunch of toddlers and their parents over. It’ll–…”
A triple-line feather shape had caught my eye.
“Well, would you look at that!” cried Kristin. “You’re already at 8mm. And I’m not even stretching it [the measuring points]!”
Jaw. Dropped.
Mind. Blown.
8mm already?
From patches???
“Is there anything that could cause the lining to go down?” I asked.
“Not really,” said Kristin. “Do you wanna move up the transfer?”
I didn’t have to think about my answer. My SIL is due with her first baby on November 4th; there’s a good chance my MIL will be in North Carolina (as in, the other side of the country) then, and I’d love her to watch V the day of transfer and two days after. Now she can.
Kristin printed a new protocol calendar. I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up more meds—antibiotics, prednisone, and the really expensive progesterone my insurance doesn’t cover…
FET is happening at noon next Wednesday October 26th.
That number again, 26. It’s followed me from the start of this journey to parenthood. It’s a wink from Bean.
Josey says
Whohoo for the 26th!! Thinking of you today and praying all goes smoothly!!
Lauren says
Thank you!! About to shut down my computer but saw your comments — will respond later! xoxo
Aislinn says
I’m getting caught up on blogs, so I’m reading this the day before you transfer. Everything crossed for you, I hope it all goes well!
Shirl says
Things are looking good for you :)
Sarah says
Got absolutely everything crossed for you lovely xxx