Oh. My. God.
Aunt Flo made her long-awaited appearance last night! Eighty-two days (that’s 11 weeks and 5 days) after my D&C, red splotches on the loo paper.
It was, as one of our most belovéd Judy Blume heroines (and wannabe menstruation expert), Margaret, said when Aunt Flo finally showed up on her doorstep, “Not a lot–but enough.”
I’m struck by the coincidence of AF arriving so soon after I saw P-SIL, and on the day I decided to start charting again (and renew my FertilityFriend.com membership). The strange thing is, yesterday was day 4 of cramps and pain, but they were far less severe (level 1-2) than over the weekend (level 4-5). When the pain subsided, I put it down in my diary as Phantom Period #2. When MIL asked me if I was still in pain and cheerfully suggested, Well, maybe there’ll be a gush soon! I scoffed and darkly said I bet I’d need a hysterosalpingogram, knowing my luck… So when I went to the bathroom, to say I wasn’t expecting my period is something of an understatement.
I went to bed happier than I’ve been in almost 4 months. Even if it lasted a few hours, red blood is fresh, which means it’s a good sign. It’s the first piece of good news I’ve had since my BFP on January 26th.
Even better, Aunt Flo has decided to stick around for the day today. I am feeling so bright and cheerful all of a sudden that I realise I didn’t understand just how stressed I was about my body not working properly! I’ll still have my thyroid levels checked on Friday, but I’ll ask then if I still need the ultrasound on Tuesday morning.
I feel as though anything is possible. Whatever bad days or moments lie ahead, I will be able to better accept them as temporary. This doesn’t take away all my grief, but I’ve started a new chapter in my reproductive story.
Celeste says
Did I just cheer someone else’s period? OH YES I DID!
Lauren says
AnaH says
Congratulations Lauren. Feel kind of funny congratulating you on such an event but I am really happy for you. It is so hard when the wait after miscarriage drags on and on. It’s funny – I have been thinking a lot about the Judy Blume book too lately. Odd! Good luck with this cycle. I am looking forward to following along.
Lauren says
Thanks, lovely! Haha, I know it’s funny to be congratulating a grown woman n getting her period… What a world!
Victoria says
So happy your period came back. I called the ob office the other day about something and simply said “I feel like am adolescent again and have no idea what is going on with my body”. It certainly is no fun to be so our of control of everything!
Lauren says
Such a great way of putting it! Yes, it all feels very new and “adolescent”. I particularly felt like that when I was miscarrying and I bled all the way through my jeans and onto the pale tan leather seats of my MIL’s car!!! I was so humiliated. Luckily for all of us, it washed out. Hydrogen peroxide is the way to go (with jeans at least).
redbluebird says
Yay for red blood! Ha ha. Not a sentence I’ve ever uttered before. I’m glad things seem to be returning to normal with your body, and SO glad you’re feeling optimistic about what lies ahead.
Lauren says
Totally redical that I am prompting people to string together words they never have before! Love it! Thank you!
Tina says
I am happy for you! Saying some stuff on the mountain for ya too!
Lauren says
I appreciate it Tina <3
Catwoman73 says
Aaahhh… fantastic! :)
And I loved that book, too!
Lauren says
Isn’t it great? Also learned (too late, bah!) today that Judy Blume was doing an AMA on Reddit. Can’t believe I missed it!
Momsicle says
So, so thrilled! Your body is back. Love you!!!!
Lauren says
Love you too!
Jenni says
Yay! Congrats!! We can be cycle buddies again :)
Lauren says
Emily says
:-) xxx
Lauren says
Egg Timer says
Hurray for Auntie Flo! I am glad that she has arrived. Finally… she took her sweet time didn’t she! I am so glad your body is starting to give you signs that you are getting ready again. Hugs to you Lauren. I hope your results on Friday are good too.
Lauren says
Thank you, Egg!