I’m behind in my blogging. It’s a combination of lots of work mixed in with a headache or migraine every three days, which makes everything more difficult. Such days mean either my morning is a write-off, if not the whole day. I’m not sure what triggers the migraines, but my best guess is constipation compounded by sleep deprivation.
But there have been some exciting developments chez Tiny, who makes everything, even the headaches, worthwhile. Hard for me to believe, but I am 15w2d today — well into the second trimester, whichever way you calculate it — so Tiny is the size of a pear and weighs around 2.5oz (70g), like 1½ Snickers bars! My waistline has been steadily thickening, and it’s not all bloat. So much so that I was all the more excited when my friend, L, arrived from London with her newborn son in tow, and gave me a bunch of maternity tops! (Considering she packed up her life for a few months, just gave birth, and was preparing for an 11-hour flight solo with newborn, this was so unbelievably thoughtful of her!)
Last week I had my first official OB appointment. It was so short! I got answers to a few questions, and we listened to the heartbeat, and then we were on our way. I came away feeling so good about my relationship with my OB, Dr. D, though. If I knew she would definitely be the person delivering this baby, I wouldn’t be considering a midwife-led delivery, that’s how much I like and trust her.
Just a couple of days later, at exactly 14 weeks, I felt a strange sensation, like a tiny kernel of corn popping in my belly. I wondered if it might be gas, because I’ve been pretty constipated lately, but it didn’t seem to be coming from my intestines. I’ve since had quite a few sensations, like a gentle prod, but even with my slender build and posterior placenta, it seemed too early to be me detecting movement. My body has been up to all sorts of crazy-wonderful of late, so whatever it was, I wasn’t too concerned.
Until this past Thursday. By lunchtime, I’d had a stinging in my cervix three times in 24 hours, accompanied by a tightening in the left side of my vaginal wall. Kind of like when you pull up a blind and one side tightens but the other side is slack. It’s not painful, but it was uncomfortable, and a sensation I associate with period pain (thanks, endo!). The triage nurse said if the pain got worse or if there was bleeding then to go to the ER, otherwise I could be seen the next morning by K, the lovely nurse practitioner whom I saw on my birthday at my first prenatal appointment. I gladly took the appointment.
Friday morning, my MIL and I went to the clinic. K was even more chipper and friendly than I remembered. First she checked my cervix and it was closed. PHEW! And the sensations? The ones I had been concerned about are related to constipation, endometriosis, and uterine growth. And the other sensations? K said that’s definitely me feeling the baby move! Yup, even at this early stage. That put a big grin on my face!
If you remember, K loves doing ultrasounds. Oh, she came in holding a Doppler, but I don’t think she had any intention of using it. My information wasn’t entered into the ultrasound machine, but she proceeded to give me one anyway. (And before we left, she pressed a dozen prints into my hand and said to not let anyone see. I love her!) My MIL got teary-eyed seeing her latest soon-to-be grand baby squirming on the screen.
I, as usual, was transfixed. It’s only been two½ weeks since the nuchal scan, but Tiny has grown so much! We saw ribs and fingers, and long legs. Go figure! Baby takes after Mama! smiled K. I reminded her that we have a donor, but between her genes and my environment, I wasn’t too surprised either. I squealed when I saw a hiccup. We got a good look at the face, and at one point saw Tiny sucking and swallowing amniotic fluid. I was enchanted:

{I am so in love, it’s ridiculous!}
Tiny has no fat, which is why why the face is a scary skull at this stage, but I love looking at the pointy chin, the two hemispheres of the brain, and the stomach (the black circle towards the bottom) filled with amniotic fluid. Way to go, Tiny! Of course, I also can’t stop laughing and saying THERE’S A CREATURE PISSING INSIDE ME!
At the beginning of the ultrasound, K asked if I wanted to find out the sex of the baby. Even though DH wasn’t with me, I said yes. Tiny was scooted all the over to my right side and K spent some time jiggling the wand to get the baby to move. Finally, we had a good shot from beneath the bum, with the knees pointing outwards: K said she wasn’t 100% sure, but she thinks Tiny is a girl! She pointed out a triple line that looked more like the telltale hamburger than a hotdog. I’ve got pretty good at reading ultrasounds, and said even if the penis were lying against the belly, the area between the legs didn’t look very full, like a scrotum would be.
I would have been happy with either a boy or a girl (all we want is a healthy baby who arrives sometime in November!) but the idea of a daughter brought a smile to my face. Plus, I’ve felt all along that Tiny is a girl. DH and I already have a name picked out for a girl. It was his idea to name our daughter after my great-grandmother. Just a few weeks into the pregnancy, he said if I couldn’t pass on her genes, then I should pass on her name. I got a little choked up then, and yesterday, now pretty much knowing Tiny is a girl, we agreed on the name for real.
Things are beginning to feel very real indeed. I’m showing, I think even enough that someone who doesn’t know me can tell I’m pregnant. And I have a long-legged little girl baby with a pointy chin kicking and drinking and pissing inside me. Words cannot describe how blissful I feel. How lucky I know I am. I never thought I’d say this, but whatever hell I’ve been through, I think this tiny baby is making it all worthwhile.
So amazing… Hiccups, gender, reassurance… All in one scan. Congratulations, Lauren!!! I love that the name is reflecting your side of the family. What a lovely tribute.
Yay! I knew the moment you described it as popcorn popping you were feeling movement and I squealed with joy! Congratulations on your daughter!
Lauren this is fun to hear! I’m so glad your doc loves the ultrasound. It’s gotta be so reassuring. It’s funny- it seems to me like the time of your pregnancy is going sloooow compared to how fast it seemed from learning that you probably needed donor eggs, looking for a great donor, funding Nellie, and doing IVF which somehow seemed fast! I don’t know the actual time but it probably was longer for all the pre- baby stuff but I’m just anxious and excited for you! How does the pregnancy seem to you so far? Fast, slow, neither??
Your intuition is amazingly on target :) It must feel amazing for you to be able to feel her move.
Tiny is a lucky little girl to have you as her mama.
I am so glad you’re experiencing this pure bliss!
This post made me teary with happiness! So happy for you!
Omg!! A girl!! Yay!! And so early!! Did you tell DH? Was he upset he wasn’t there?
Yay for movement!!!! And for little girls!! I have 2 1/2 weeks left before I find out and I’m dying to know! Glad to hear an update! Been thinking about you!
So much ❤️❤️❤️ right now. Absolutely loving following your story. xx
I told you it would feel like gas! LOL I am so happy for you! And if it is a girl that would be cool! There is so much any child can learn from you (boy or girl!)–from photography, to painting and the jewelry making later on! I’m so happy for you that I’m doing the Snoopy dance!
Wonderful feeling those tiny pops and flutters early on. I’m so excited to meet Miss Tiny! So happy for you xxx
Amazing! How incredible that you can feel the baby so early! So happy for you my dear.
Ps I knew it was a girl
I suspected I would feel movement early on, but even I was surprised! Thank you so much! I can’t wait until you have the experience of feeling your baby move through L. It’s the most incredible sensation.
P.S. Of course you did ;)
It is so wonderful realising there is life inside you, and that it’s a whole new human being, with a personality of their own. You are right to cherish it
And I know we’d all be happy with anything, but I personally really love having a little girl. She is dressed as a fairy currently, loves role play, glitter and her dolls house etc, but her birthday list is for a train set, hot wheels set and a guitar so it’s not all girly. But im sure id be just as enamoured with a boy.
It’s all wonderful!
I have to say this is the most incredible experience of my life. I have never been prouder, more amazed by, or more comfortable in my body — in spite of the veins, the fat, and the cellulite!
I love the sound of your girl. I bet she and I would get on. I love dressing up, but I’m a tomboy at heart! I hope to raise the same, but will encourage Tiny to be herself, whoever she is.