When so much is out of your control when TTC, it feels empowering to be able to influence your chances. Welcome to the first in what might be a semi-regular post series!
Fertile Friday Vol. 1: Vitamins & Supplements
{ rollover the image to see what’s what! }
Juice / Kefir
When trying to conceive, it’s important to eat breakfast. Personally, my digestive system doesn’t want to think about food until I’ve been up and about for 2-3 hours (unless I’m pregnant, in which case I’m starving first thing) so I compromise with a glass of juice or kefir (plain probiotic yoghurt drink) to kickstart my day.
Evening Primrose Oil
- 1000mg
- Once daily
Said to be good for managing endometriosis and optimising hormone levels. After my miscarriage, I had lots of tiny zits by my ears and jawline, so I started taking it 3 months ago. Added bonus: my usually weak nails are the longest and strongest they’ve ever been!
I inherited Momsicle‘s leftover prenatals which I started taking a month before I came off the pill. My favourite brand for convenience, price, and one-a-day dosage is Rainbow Light. I just snagged a 6-month supply at a 40% discount at Soap.com — if you use code FIZGIG20 you can get 20% off your first order, courtesy of Moi. (Yes, I earn points if you use this code.)
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids: 240mg
- DHA: 200mg
- Once daily
Said to be critical to brain development of a developing fetus, so I started taking this in May/June. I use a vegetarian kind by Spectrum to avoid mercury and other toxins often found in fish oils.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
- 6 pills (18 total)
- Three times daily
Prescribed by my acupuncturist on Tuesday to increase Yin energy — this will boost moisture in my body, i.e. increase cervical fluid, but also help with dry skin, eyes, and hair.
Vitamin D3
- 1000iu
- Twice daily
Despite getting 400iu (100% RDA) of Vitamin D from my prenatal, my Vitamin D levels were a tiny bit low at my annual checkup. My PCP (GP) said to supplement with 1000iu daily. So I do, even though combined with my prenatal I get 1400iu. I’ve read that Vitamin D is essential for hormone balance and, later, the absorption of calcium (a growing baby will leech its calcium from its mother). I use one by Solgar which, although it isn’t vegetarian, comes from deep sea fish whose oil has been filtered for mercury and toxins.
Co-enzyme Q-10
- 50mg
- Once daily
I started taking this in July, on the recommendation of several ladies in the middle of IVF treatment. It’s supposed to be good for egg quality.
- 25mg
- Three times daily
Good for egg quality. I take this amount as suggested by my acupuncturist.
Vitamin B6
- 50mg
- Once daily
A regular reader and new computer friend told me her GP said to take 50mg daily for increased cervical fluid. Haven’t seen any evidence of that yet, but it looks like I did get pregnant last cycle (even if it was chemical…)
Shi Chuan Da Bu Wan
- 4 pills (12 total)
- Three times daily
Prescribed by my acupuncturist on Tuesday to increase Yang energy — this will help blood circulation in my uterus, to prime it for a healthy pregnancy.
So that’s it — what do you take? Anything you swear by?
I started taking vitamin B6 because some people claim it lengthens your luteal phase. Mine was only 10 or so days and my miscarriage had signs of being caused by a short luteal phase. I got pregnant the first full month after taking it. Not great evidence scientifically but I continue to take it now. I was going to suggest it to you. Hope these things help.
That’s interesting! I hadn’t heard that it can lengthen your LP. Yes, 10 days is short, so I’m glad it worked for you x
I’ve had some questions about this stuff lately and you cleared them up for me here! Thanks!
I also drink raspberry leaf tea from CD1 to ovulation, which is traditionally used as a uterine tonic, and said to help with uterine lining. Like the commenter above, I would also advise that EPO should be stopped after ovulation (so only from CD1 to O). As with raspberry tea, it can cause uterine contractions which would compromise implantation.
I hope some of these tonics do the trick for you Lauren! If nothing else, it helps to feel like you’re in control of *something*, and getting as fit and pregnancy-ready as you can for WHEN you need it :)
Thanks, Sadie. Can’t believe I didn’t know about EPO. Maybe that’s why I had a chemical pregnancy last month………………………
Just wondering if you stop taking the Evening Primrose Oil when you’ve ovulated? Not sure if that’s medically right, but I’ve read a lot online about how you should only take it from menstruation till ovulation. I just stopped taking it when I started ttc. xx
FUCK!!!!!!! Maybe that’s why I had a chemical pregnancy!? Oh jesus fucking christ.
Thanks :/
All I take nowadays is a prenatal, extra folic acid (a total of 5mg per day), vitamin C (1000mg per day) and baby aspirin (81mg per day, for my known clotting issues). But I have taken Coenzyme Q10 and fish oil and guaifenesin in the past. I think a healthy, balanced diet and lots of water is the most important part of the equation though…
I’m sure you’re right!