Eighteen weeks. (And two days, if you’re counting… who, me?)
Halfway there???
I am well into the second trimester. Being pregnant with twins is exhausting, which is the main reason I haven’t shared any updates since NIAW.
I’ve been sharing the day-to-day twin pregnancy milestones on my IG account, @onfecundthought, (belly and ultrasound pix have a content warning cover image), but here’s a quick recap of where we’re at.
The biggest news is that so far this is an uncomplicated twin pregnancy! When we made the decision to try for a second child, I knew there was a very real possibility that it would cost me my uterus. When we found out it was twins, I resigned myself to caesarean-hysterectomy. Well, lo and fucking behold, at my nuchal scan both placentas were posterior (at the back) and far away from my accreta spot. Of course, things can change (anatomy scan is on Friday), but the MFM who reviewed my ultrasounds cleared me for a VBAC as long as Twin A (the one closest to my cervix, who I think is the girl) is head down!!!
I have considered a VBAC. If I were carrying just one baby, I’d plan for it. But twins… with my history of massive postpartum haemorrhage… I’m not convinced it’s worth it. There is the tug at my heartstrings, I think about how my recovery time would be much quicker—no small consideration considering I have a preschooler and will have two newborns—and I’d love to have the experience of pushing out a baby, as opposed to having a baby pulled from me, but I think I will choose a CBAC. (I have a post about this in the works…) I’m focusing on how the mere mention of VBAC is a really clear sign that this pregnancy is going well. If it continues this way, I will deliver no later than 38 weeks (October 30th). I’m aiming for October 28th, but I’ve told the Twinkles that they are allowed to come any time on or after October 16th (36 weeks).
Twin pregnancy is much harder than with a singleton. At 17 weeks, I got my first fundal height measurement, because my uterus had already hit my ribcage. I’m measuring about six weeks ahead—so at 17 weeks with twins, I was as big as 23 weeks with one baby. I seem to have skipped the Are you pregnant…? stage and gone straight to When are you due? Here, let me help you with that!
My appetite has decreased a little, probably from having a smaller space for my stomach, but I still eat a lot. I’m currently obsessed with Tajín (chili salt) shaken on pineapple. San Diego is technically the desert, and despite drinking between 4.5-5 litres (a gallon and a half) of fluid a day, I’m drawn to foods with high water content and probably crave salt to keep my electrolytes in balance (I’ve been getting migraines).
I’m pretty happy to see that I’m already two cup sizes larger and have the beginnings of colostrum. I’m really hoping I can breastfeed again, and this little sign gives me a lot of hope.
Most excitingly, I’ve been feeling movement since 12 weeks. I thought I was making things up, that’s super early even for someone as intuitive as I am, but I have been! Twins were lying head to toe at the nuchal scan (a Friday); Saturday night I felt Twin B (who I think is the boy) do a somersault; Sunday morning, DH felt a sharp jab; and Tuesday my Ob did an ultrasound* which showed that Twin B had moved and both babies were lying face-to-face. Nawrh! They’ve stayed that way ever since.
* I’ve had lots of ultrasounds because until around 17 weeks it’s hard to distinguish two heartbeats via Doppler.
Lots of people have been asking if V knows. As DEIVF parents, we are open with her about her conception, and we told her when we were cycling. She knows that the doctor put two dot babies inside mama’s uterus and that both babies are growing. She calls them “Molly and Lisa” and will gladly blame them for any mischief she makes! As I’m about halfway there (!!!!!!!!!) I’ve started talking to her about what will happen. She knows that the doctor will cut Mama’s belly, but that I won’t feel it because of a magic injection. And she knows it will be the same doctor who opened Mama’s belly to take her out. And that I will be in hospital for a long time (probably only 5 days, but that’s a long time for someone who is currently 3.5) but that she can come and visit.
There’s still much to be done. I’m wrapping up a marvellous book on egg donation that I copy-edited; next Tuesday, I’m reading an excerpt from a chapter of my memoir which has been published in an annual anthology of San Diego writers; I have plenty more editing to do on the rest of my memoir; and, of course, I have to mentally and physically prepare for life with three kids under 4.
It’s all overwhelming and terrifying and utterly beautiful.
Awh, I love reading this update! So much good news!
Wonderful Lauren ! I always love reading your updates .
Laure, any reason why you aren’t considering a vbac if baby girl is in a good position? The recovery should be a whole lot easier for you. After the difficult birth you had with V, I would love for you to have a smoother recovery, especially since you’ll have 2 new little ones to care for.
Eek! Exciting? Have you used the same egg donor this time? Sorry if I’ve missed a post! Sarah x
I may have mentioned this (?? #pregnancybrain) but these embryos were made at the same time V was, back in 2014! So they were frozen for 4 years!!
Also, I love that you still read this blog, even all these years later <3 <3 <3
Thank you for the update. Am totally thrilled and excited and hopeful for you all. Such an exciting adventure and wonderful time. Keep staying healthy and have an uneventful birth!
Thanks for reading, Rose!!! I need an update from you (did you change email addresses?)! xoxo