March 4 | 6dp6dt | BFP |
March 10 | 12dp6dt | First beta: 2,000 |
March 12 | 4w6d | Second beta: 4,029 |
March 14 | 5w1d | First major aversion! Overpowering nausea from the smell of salmon. According to my MIL, I turned pale. |
March 24 | 6w4d | Morning (and After Dinner) Sickness begins. |
March 25 | 6w5d | First ultrasound shows heartbeat. I am also more pregnant than I have ever been at this point :) |
April 8 | 8w5d | Saw baby move, the most incredible sight. Graduated from RE! |
April 9 | 8w6d | First prenatal appointment. First abdominal ultrasound. First time hearing heartbeat! |
April 12 | 9w2d | Fastened jeans with a hairband. |
April 16 | 9w6d | Morning (and After Dinner) Sickness ended |
April 18 | 10w1d | Bought maternity jeans. |
April 22 | 10w5d | Heard heartbeat with a Doppler. |
April 23 | 10w6d | DH commented, Is that bloating or are you beginning to show?? And so I dared take my first official bump photo. |
April 30 | 11w6d | Last day of meds!! Have been on various cocktails of hormones since November, but now we have a fully-fledged placenta! |
May 1 | 12w0d | SECOND TRIMESTER!! |
May 4 | 12w3d | A 16-week pregnant woman on the beach studied my belly, like she recognised the beginnings of a bump but couldn’t be sure if I was pregnant or not. |
May 5 | 12w4d | Fell in love with the baby on the screen. It really doesn’t matter that this baby was conceived with donor eggs, s/he is my flesh and blood. |
May 9 | 13w1d | I officially no longer fit into my jeans. I couldn’t bring the seams together, much less button them up! |
May 16 | 14w1d | Felt a sensation, like a tiny kernel of corn popping. Nurse later confirmed this is me feeling the baby move. |
May 19 | 14w4d | First belly pat — from a friend’s mom. Very sweet! Also inherited a bunch of maternity clothes from the same friend. Awesome bonding! |
May 21 | 14w6d | First nocturnal snack: milk at 04:30… |
May 23 | 15w1d | It’s a girl! |
June 1 | 16w3d | Felt lots of movement for the first time, like a gentle dabbing. |
June 4 | 16w6d | First belly pat from a man I don’t know well. To my utter surprise, I liked it! |
June 10 | 17w5d | If I’d doubted feeling movement before now, an unmistakeable jab around 10pm confirmed I am definitely feeling this little pilgrim moving around. |
June 11 | 17w6d | First time feeling lots of little kicks and jabs, again around 10pm. |
June 12 | 18w0d | First “You should be bigger than that by now” comment. Tsk! (My response: I’d probably be bigger if I were of average height. I’m just glad I have all this space for my baby to grow! |
June 17 | 18w5d | 3-D picture of Baby V’s face! I can’t stop staring at it. And, she’s definitely a girl :) |
June 21 | 19w2d | Testing sofas was a workout. It’s getting harder to move, and I can see how urinary incontinence in pregnancy could happen. Your bladder gets squeezed! |
June 22 | 19w3d | Saw movement through my belly and caught it on camera. |
June 23 | 19w4d | Aware of almost non-stop movement. |
June 24 | 19w5d | Felt baby’s head beneath my hand. It was like a small baseball. |
June 26 | 20w0d | HALFWAY THERE!!! |
June 27 | 20w1d | DH felt baby move for the first time. She kept kicking under his hand. I loved seeing his face light up in astonishment. |
June 30 | 20w4d | Plucked up courage to sing a song to Baby V for the first time. |
July 8 | 21w5d | My belly now sticks out more than my boobs do. |
July 15 | 22w5d | I felt Baby V move at least once an hour today, from 4:30am til past midnight. Another nickname for her is Disco Mermaid. |
July 21 | 23w4d | Felt Baby V moving around above my belly button for the first time! (This only happens when I’m lying down.) |
July 22 | 23w5d | Checkout girl at supermarket asked, “How many months are you?” It was the first time a stranger commented on my pregnancy without my bringing it up. |
July 24 | 24w0d | VIABILITY!! If Baby were born now, doctors would take measures to keep her alive as she has a 50/50 chance of survival. |
July 25 | 24w1d | First follow up ultrasound. Baby is fine, but will definitely be delivered by caesarean. |
August 2 | 25w2d | Fetal hiccups might be the cutest thing every… DH felt them too! |
August 4 | 25w4d | Discussed caesarean birth plan with OB. |
August 6 | 25w6d | First scare (persistent cramping) took us to Labor & Delivery. |
August 8 | 26w1d | Took off wedding ring as it felt a little too snug. |
August 9 | 26w2d | Self-diagnosis of diastasis recti. Bah! |
August 11 | 26w4d | Passed glucose tolerance test! But feet now swell after extended periods of sitting or standing. |
August 14 | 27w0d | THIRD TRIMESTER!! |
August 21 | 28w0d | MY OB’s MILESTONE FOR VIABILITY! Dr. D says this is the point at which OBs heave a sigh of relief in their own pregnancies. I think this is when I stopped worrying so anxious about this pregnancy. |
August 23 | 28w2d | Also some time this week I stopped being able to see my pubic hair… |
August 26 | 28w5d | A year ago today I learned I was infertile. This week, two people have asked me how far along I am. There’s no “Is she or isn’t she pregnant?” anymore. What a difference a year makes… |
September 1 | 29w4d | A woman in our complex beamed and said “You’re having a baby! When are you due?” and I realised that, as of today, I could say NEXT MONTH!! |
September 6 | 30w2d | Seven months today! We assembled the crib — which meant rearranging the bedroom — and it looks lovely. |
September 17 | 31w6d | Maternity photoshoot! |
September 18 | 32 Weeks | Walking across the parking lot to my prenatal visit, a UCSD employee in a golf cart asked me if I needed a ride…!We also have a date for the planned caesarean: October 24th |
September 20 | 32w2d | Today I am 7 ½ months pregnant. That means Baby V (and her totsicle twiblings) were conceived exactly seven months ago today. Spooky numbers: I’m also 226 days pregnant — 2/26 is the anniversary of the day of her transfer :) |
September 26 | 33w1d | I can no longer see my feet! |
September 30 | 33w5d | My “non-shower” lunch. |
October 3 | 34w1d | T-minus three weeks! Last in-depth ultrasound! Next time we properly see Baby V, it will be her birthday ♥ |
October 9 | 35w0d | First Non-Stress Test: saw Baby’s ribs expanding and contracting — she’s practicing breathing! |
October 11 | 35w2d | Woke up from a nap and saw my right breast had leaked an egg-sized amount of colostrum! I have high hopes that I’ll be able to breastfeed. |
October 16 | 36w0d | Third NST: Baby has full lips that were gulping amniotic fluid, a cute little nose, and eyes that blink! Be still my beating heart! |
October 17 | 36w1d | ONE WEEK TO GO!! Now when people ask me when I’m due, I can give a one-word response: FRIDAY! |